
Note: For background reading and sources, see the bibliography

People do not learn languages and then use them, but learn languages by using them. Acquisition and use are essentially the same phenomenon. (Widdowson, 1981 in Eskey)

There is a need for principled syllabus design beyond content (themes, topics).

Finding the right mix/balance between these aspects is perhaps the single most challenging task for the teacher in CBI.

Teaching toward such communicative ability may use procedures which are either synthetic or analytic (i.e., learning forms and then practicing how to combine them; and introducing complete interactions of texts and focusing on how these are constructed according to discourse rules pragmatic awareness, and strategic competence).

Communicative competence is not so much rule-governed as it is rule-referenced. Something more than rules is required for learning how to use a new language in the real world

In language-driven curricula/courses key questions are

the fit between content and specified language objectives

the fit between content and students? current language proficiency

the degree of cognitive engagement and demand.

CBI critically depends on presumed subjects of interest. We should be careful to select those for which we can already assume interest and knowledge or for which we can and should responsibly create interest and knowledge in our learners, literate adults. A curriculum and the courses/syllabi within it are always the result of choices. Let us choose wisely!

As teachers we are acculturating students to the relevant discourse communities. That means that it is critical that we explicitly teach on the basis of the assumptions, conventions, and procedures of their own L1 discourse communities (usually U.S. – American and English-language) and toward the assumptions, conventions, and procedures of the L2=German language discourse communities.

Thus, “the content-based syllabus, with its stress on our culture’s normal use of language to explore issues of real interest to studnts, may turn out to be what we have been looking for all along.” (Eskey)

May 17, 1999 (11/6/03); revised July 2011