Profs. Eigler and Weigert Co-Edit Special Issue on German-Polish Border Regions in Contemporary Literature and Film
Fresh off the press:
“German-Polish Border Regions in Contemporary Literature and Film:
Between Regionalism and Transnationalism”
Edited by Friederike Eigler and Astrid Weigert, Georgetown University
This special issue is based on an interdisciplinary symposium at Georgetown University in the spring of 2013. It explores the fraught history of German-Polish border regions with a special focus on contemporary literature and film. The contributions examine the representation of border regions in recent Polish and German literature (Irene Sywenky, Claudia Winkler), filmic accounts of historical German and Polish legacies within contemporary European contexts (Randall Halle, Meghan O’Dea), and the role of collective memory in contemporary German-Polish relations (Karl Cordell). Bringing together scholars of Polish and German literature and film, as well as political science, some of the contributions also ponder the advantages of regional and of transnational approaches to issues that used to be discussed primarily within national parameters (Eigler, Halle, Sywenky).
The special issue includes peer-reviewed contributions from two of the German Department’s Ph.D. students, Meghan O’Dea and Claudia Winkler.