Spring 2024

Notes from the Classroom

Supported by the CNDLS Curriculum Enrichment Grant, Prof. Verena Kick organized a visit to the National Gallery of Art (NGA) for her graduate course “Coordinates of Modernism.” On February 22, David Gariff, senior lecturer at the NGA, guided students through the exhibition “The Anxious Eye: German Expressionism and Its Legacies,” which provided the class with insights into German Expressionist art parallel to the students’ engagement with literature from the same time period in class. The tour of the exhibition was followed by a lunch in the NGA’s Cascade Café, which gave everyone a chance to share their observations regarding Expressionist prints and drawings. This visit was a welcome change of pace in the middle of the semester and an avenue of learning that enriches the course’s otherwise mostly text-based engagement with German Modernism.