Welcome Max Kade Professor – Dr. Andrea Geier

The German Department would like to welcome Dr. Andrea Geier, Max Kade Professor for the Spring 2019 semester.
Dr. Geier is teaching GERM 540, a course on Gender and Postcolonial Perspectives in German Literature for graduate students. She will also give a public lecture in April, 2019.
As a Professor for German Literature and Gender Studies, Dr. Geier has been directing the Center for Postcolonial and Gender Studies (CePoG) at the University of Trier (a platform for scholarly approaches that critically analyses constructs of gender, ethnic, and national identity) since 2010. Her research interests are on German contemporary literature and discourses of anti-Semitism, gender and alterity in contemporary German drama, and cultural and literary gender studies. Her publications include: Gewalt und Geschlecht. Diskurse in deutschsprachiger Prosa der 1980er und 1990er Jahre (2005); Wider die Frau. Zu Geschichte und Funktion misogyner Rede, co-edited with Ursula Kocher (2008); Konkurrenzen, Konflikte, Kontinuitäten. Generationenfragen in der Literatur seit 1990, co-edited with Jan Süselbeck (2009); and Spielräume des Anderen. Geschlecht und Alterität im postdramatischen Theater with Nina Birkner and Urte Helduse (2014).