Lecture with Prof. Anke Finger – January 19, 2018

From the Total Artwork to Multimodal Scholarship (or How a Modernist Found Residence in Non-Linear Thinking)
Friday, January 19, 2018
12:30-2:00 pm in ICC 462
Please join the German Department for a lecture with Professor Anke Finger
Digital scholarship, if understood not only as working with digital methodologies and tools, but also as communicating and publishing beyond print media, challenges the traditionally trained humanist: how is the literary scholar to navigate the plethora of media and media affordances? What about the variety of literacies required to “read” and produce such scholarship? How to negotiate the possible semiotic playing fields? “From the Total Artwork to Multimodal Scholarship” will explore these questions by highlighting the making of “Flusser 2.0: Remediating Ideas, Reimagining Texts” and by connecting the interart practices in modernism with some of today’s media convergences.
Anke Finger is Professor of German and Media Studies and Comparative Literature at the University of Connecticut and Section Head of German Studies. She also serves as Assistant Director at the Humanities Institute, in charge of Digital Humanities and Media Studies. She is currently working on three larger projects: a multimodal e-book entitled “Flusser 2.0”; a monograph on the avant-gardes and sensory perception; and the Conviction Project, placing the concept of “conviction” at the intersection of intercultural communication and media studies.
This event will begin with lunch at 12:00 (lecture at 12:30)