Past Events

Reading and Discussion with Author Jonathan Huston

On February 7, 2017, the German department welcomed bilingual author Jonathan Huston to read excerpts from his works, most notably his collection of short stories titled Mondstaub – Erzählungen. This collection was published in Liechtenstein by Van Eck Publishing in March of 2016 and was also presented at the Leipzig Book Fair. The title story of the collection has been selected for the anthology Best European Fiction 2017, edited by Dalkey Archive Press. Following the reading and discussion, there was a small reception, with wine presented by the Embassy of Liechtenstein and from the winery of the Prince of Liechtenstein.

Jonathan Huston works as a writer and a translator in Liechtenstein and Los Angeles. As a former legal advisor to the Principality of Liechtenstein at the United Nations in New York, he worked, among other things, on the creation of the International Criminal Court and other international courts. He studied cognitive sciences, applied political science and law at Stanford University and New York University as well as promoted political philosophy at the University of Zurich. This event was co-sponsored by the Embassy of Liechtenstein.

Jonathan Huston with members of the German Department

Jonathan Huston with German department faculty and graduate students