Ben Gaver

My time studying German at Georgetown has been an experience I will cherish for years to come. Four years ago, I received a letter from the German department asking if I would like to visit after I received a study trip award to go to Germany following my junior year of high school. Since sitting in on one of Prof. Weigert’s classes and chatting with Prof. Eigler in the ICC as a 17-year-old, I haven’t looked back since. The professors in the German department have been nothing but supportive, engaging and friendly. While I came into college with prior knowledge of the language, my course work has improved my reading, writing and speaking skills immensely, as well as, given me a better understanding of the German speaking world as a whole. I would like to thank Prof. Pfeiffer in particular for his guidance and support throughout my time on the Hilltop and would recommend his Österreichische Literatur der Zwischenkriegzeit to any incoming German student. Aside from the German department, my experience as Director of the Student Advocacy, as a member of the Club Golf team, and brother of the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity have made 37th and O St a place I will never forget. Entering the real world is a scary thought at the moment, but I know the skills I have gained from my experience in the German department will prepare me well as I pursue a career in the legal field.