German Department Newsletter

Spring 2024

The German Department enjoys the 2024 Eclipse on the steps of the ICC

The German Dept. enjoys the 2024 eclipse from the ICC steps (Photos: Profs. Dabic and Sieg)


As Goethe famously wrote in Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre, “Aller Anfang ist schwer!” The Spring 2024 semester has marked a new beginning for me as I have taken on the role of Interim Chair in the Georgetown German Department. While the semester has brought its share of challenges, it has also renewed my appreciation for the level of care and collegiality that staff, students, and faculty bring to this department.

And truly, we have had much to celebrate this semester, as several members of our community have been recognized for their phenomenal service to the department and the University. In March, our administrative officer Courtney Feldman was recognized with the College of Arts and Sciences’ Distinguished Staff Service Award. At this year’s FLL Awards Ceremony, Professor Astrid Weigert will be recognized with the FLL Distinguished Service Award. And Professor Anja Banchoff has been promoted to Associate Teaching Professor. Anyone who knows these members of our department knows just how much of a difference they make every day in the lives of our students and our community. They truly embody the Jesuit values of cura personalis and “contemplation in action!”

This semester has brought other exciting new beginnings, such as the relaunching of Georgetown’s exchange program with the Technische Universität Dresden. Students gained a new perspective on the Balkan communities of Vienna from our Max Kade writer in residence, Mascha Dabic. And the Department’s old home, the FLL, is being reimagined as the FLCLS (Faculty of Literature, Culture, and Language Studies).

In the fall of 2024, I will step down and Professor Peter Pfeiffer will once again take over as chair. In the meantime, please enjoy these updates – and stay in touch! 

Herzliche Grüße vom Hilltop,
Dr. Mary Helen Dupree
Interim Chair, Department of German