Alumni News
Andrew Lee (CAS 2018) will join the DC law firm Greenberg Traurig with a specialization in space law in July of this year.
Andrea Bryant (PhD, 2021) has been named Director of the German Section at NeMLA (Northeast Modern Language Association).
Sam Grayck (PhD, 2023) is entering her second year as Visiting Assistant Professor at College of St. Benedict and St. John’s University.
Forrest Finch (PhD, 2021) has been named Director of Undergraduate Studies in the German Studies program at Penn State University. He recently published an essay on “The Queer Voice and Gaze in Eichendorff’s Marmorbild” in a special issue of Germanic Review edited by Tanvi Solanki and Willi Goetschel (99, 1 (2024)).

Emily and Willi Barthold with their daughter, Mina Rose
Recent PhD graduates Emily Sieg Barthold (2019) and Willi Barthold (2020) welcomed their daughter, Mina Rosa Barthold, on September 4, 2023, in Forst (Lausitz). Emily continues to work as an artist and illustrator with emphasis on Sorbian themes, and Willi keeps busy with research, teaching, and curriculum design in the emerging field of Sorbian Studies in Dresden. Congratulations to the proud parents!
In April, Willi also hosted a conference on “The Dissolution of the Rural: New Perspectives on Transformations of Rurality and Rural Spaces from the 19th Century” at the Technical University of Dresden; additional information can be found on TU Dresden’s website.
We love to hear from our alumni – grad and undergrad, majors, minors – all of you! Contact Professor Weigert at with your news!