PhD Students
Spring 2024

Graduate Defenses, Degrees, and Exams

On April 11, Shoshannah Lane successfully defended her dissertation “Developing L2 German literacy in the written mode at the introductory level through task-and genre-based instruction: A Systemic Functional Linguistics Approach” (advisor: Prof. Marianna Ryshina-Pankova). Herzliche Glückwünsche an Dr. Lane!

Dr. Shoshannah Lane (center) after her successful dissertation defense

Congratulations to Dr. Shoshannah Lane (center) on her successful defense!

The Department also celebrates Cooper Dougherty and Steven Kingkiner, awarded Master of Arts degrees in German. Congratulations!

Additionally, three graduate students have passed their oral PhD comprehensive exams: Emma Eisenbeis, Dave Dermon, and Dingning Chen.