All Posts: Spring 2024

15 Articles

Spring 2024

Department Events: Spring 2024

In the spring semester of 2024, the German Department hosted two lectures as part of the “Sound Tracks: New Global Perspectives on Sound Studies” series organized by…

May 18, 2024

Spring 2024

Dr. Astrid Weigert receives 2024 Distinguished Service Award

This year Professor Astrid Weigert was recognized with the 2024 Distinguished Service Award, presented annually to a member of the FLCLS faculty who has made extraordinary…

May 18, 2024

Spring 2024

Congratulations to Professor Banchoff!

This spring, Professor Anja Banchoff was promoted to Associate Teaching Professor. Professor Banchoff has taught within the German Department since 1996 and has served as full…

May 18, 2024

PhD Students
Spring 2024

Spring 2024 Graduate Student News

In February 2024, two German Department graduate students, Kristina Schauhoff and Katie Lightfoot, presented papers at the Southeast German Studies Workshop hosted by the…

May 18, 2024

PhD Students
Spring 2024

Graduate Defenses, Degrees, and Exams

On April 11, Shoshannah Lane successfully defended her dissertation “Developing L2 German literacy in the written mode at the introductory level through task-and genre-based…

May 18, 2024

Spring 2024

Spring 2024 Undergraduate Student News

Grace Philippon (SFS’26) has won the Max Kade Prize for Best Paper at the 13th Undergraduate Research Conference for German Studies! On April 6, 2024, Grace presented her…

May 18, 2024

Spring 2024

News from the German Club

The German Club celebrated its Frühlingsfest on April 22, 2024, with a crowd of about 15 students squeezing into the kitchen of the Arrupe student residence. Under the direction…

May 18, 2024

Spring 2024

Notes from the Classroom

Supported by the CNDLS Curriculum Enrichment Grant, Prof. Verena Kick organized a visit to the National Gallery of Art (NGA) for her graduate course “Coordinates of.”…

May 18, 2024

Spring 2024

Looking Ahead to the Fall Semester

In the fall of 2024, we will welcome Dr. Steffen Siegel as our next Max Kade visiting professor. Dr. Siegel is a professor of the theory and history of photography at Folkwang…

May 18, 2024

Spring 2024

Congratulations to our 2024 Graduates!

We asked a selection of our graduating students for their reflections on their time with the German Department. We wish them the best of luck in everything to!…

May 18, 2024