Joe Cunningham

Dr. Cunningham’s interest in second language acquisition and dedication to language teaching grow out of his own language learning experiences. He has lived, taught, and learned in California, Kansas, Missouri, Germany and the Czech Republic. In 2014, Dr. Cunningham completed his PhD at the University of Kansas, where his dissertation “The Development of Pragmatic Competence through Telecollaboration: An Analysis of Requesting Behavior” was nominated for the Argersinger Outstanding Dissertation prize. Situated at the intersection of technology-mediated second language pedagogy and instructed pragmatic development, his research has appeared in various peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes. In addition to studying the benefits of virtual exchange for second language learning and teacher education, Dr. Cunningham is interested in the role of telecollaboration at the curricular level. He currently serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Virtual Exchange and as a member of the executive board of CALICO