Graduate Student Engagement

Graduate students in the German Department are involved in a wide number of activities, including scholarly presentations, publications, and community engagement. Please see below for a list of accomplishments by our current student cohort.

Scholarly, Professional, and Community Engagements of Graduate Students

Forthcoming and Recent Presentations


Lightfoot, Katie. (2024, September) (Forthcoming). Reimagining the Museum: An Exploration of the Anacostia Community Museum. Online presentation at the Seventeenth International Conference on the Inclusive Museum.

Lightfoot, Katie. (2024, February). Reading Alternative Spaces and Border Crossings in Wenders’ Film Himmel über Berlin (Wings of Desire). Forthcoming presentation at the Southeast German Studies Workshop hosted by The University of Alabama.

Parks, Ross. (2024, November). Colonial Europe: Germany’s Lessons for a Postcolonial Continent. Roundtable presentation at University of Cambridge, United Kingdom for the 2024 Doctoral Conference of DAAD-funded Centres for German and European Studies. Critical German and European Studies: ‘International Interventions and the State of The Field.’

Schauhoff, Kristina. (2024, February). “Du hättest eigentlich ein Junge werden müssen”: Challenging Gendered Spaces in Özdamar’s Der Hof im Spiegel. Forthcoming presentation at the Southeast German Studies Workshop hosted by The University of Alabama.

Simpson, Sally. (2024, April). Nostalgia for Empire? The Construction and Deconstruction of the Ungargasse as Idyll in Ingeborg Bachmann’s Malina. Forthcoming Paper Presentation at the Austrian Studies Association (ASA) Annual Meeting hosted by West Chester University, Pennsylvania. 

Speggiorin, Maria: Conceptualizing one’s own self and cultural identity(-ies) in Virtual Exchange. Panel co-presentation with Prof. Joe Cunningham at the CIBER conference in Washington, DC, hosted by George Washington University. May 2-3, 2024.

Speggiorin, Maria: Conceptualizing one’s own self and cultural identity(-ies) in Virtual Exchange. Panel presentation at CALICO conference in Pittsburgh, hosted by Carnegie Mellon University. May 21-25, 2024.


Eisenbeis, Emma. (2023, October). Maintaining Statelessness: Exploring Bureaucratic Barriers to Belonging in Jenny Erpenbeck’s Gehen, Ging, Gegangen and Abbas Khider’s Ohrfeige. Paper Presentation at the German Studies Association (GSA) Annual Convention, Montreal, Canada. 

McCarron, Lorna. (2023, October). Seeing Neurodiversity in Sharon Dodua Otoo’s Synchronicity. Paper Presentation at the German Studies Association (GSA) Annual Convention, Montreal, Canada. 

Miller-Purrenhage, Katie. (2023, October, November). Language Hybridity in Stefanie Lahya Aukongo’s Buchstaben gefühle. Paper presentation at Georgetown University’s Graduate Conference in Washington, D.C.; Poster presentation at Women in German (WiG) annual conference, Portland, Oregon. 

Parks, Ross. (2023, June). Right Wing Populism: A Transatlantic Issue. Germany, the United Kingdom & the United States Presentation at DAAD Summer School: Intersecting Inequalities hosted by King’s College London, United Kingdom 


Hardy, Mel. “Construing Personification: Experiential Meaning and Literary Style in Herta Müller’s Atemschaukel.” GRADNASFLA Symposium, Georgetown University, February 22–24, 2019.


Hardy, Mel. Exploring social justice with a genre-based approach: Disability in Germany.” ACTFL Convention, November 16-18, 2018.


Hardy, Mel. (Forthcoming)  “Smoke & Ash.” Disability Studies Quarterly.

Hardy, Mel. (Forthcoming)  “”Where are we going?” with T4 Postmemory: Creative Writing as Vicarious Witnessing.” Disability Studies Quarterly.

Grants and Awards Received

McCarron, Lorna. 2022-2023 Georgetown University Medical Humanities Initiative Research Fellow. 

McCarron, Lorna. (2023, November). Therapists, Vending Machines, and Winding Roads: Race and Mental Health in Olivia Wenzel’s 1000 Serpentinen Angst. Recipient of the 2023 WIGS essay prize.

Community Engagement 

Dermon, Dave; Dougherty, Cooper Maria; Speggiorin, Maria. (2023, October) Member of steering committee in graduate student conference Dissent, Disagreement, and Difference, hosted at Georgetown University, in Washington DC. The multidisciplinary conference hosted presenters from institutions within and outside the US.

Hardy, Mel. Actor, Disability Awareness Theater, Regan Linton’s VIORE: An Adaptation Story. The National Theatre’s Saturday Morning Live, Washington, DC. June 5, 2023.

Hardy, Mel. Author/Performer, Original Poetry, Open Doors Arts & Disability Festival, Kennedy Center, Washington, DC. August 20, 2022.

Miller-Purrenhage, Katie; Strevey, Stephanie. (2023, September) Organization of Disabilities Workshop “Creating a Culture of Access” with Dr. Amy Kenny, director of the Disability Cultural Initiative at Georgetown University. 

Miller-Purrenhage, Katie. (2023/5). Graduate student representative on the steering committee for the Coalition of Women in German; two year role.

Parks, Ross. (2024/7). Journal Assistant for Georgetown’s German Politics and Society Journal.

Speggiorin, Maria. (2023, December). Event participant “Networking heißt Vernetzung”, a networking event organized by the AATG MD/ DC Metro Chapter in collaboration with McDaniel College.