Spring 2024

Congratulations to Professor Banchoff!

This spring, Professor Anja Banchoff was promoted to Associate Teaching Professor. Professor Banchoff has taught within the German Department since 1996 and has served as full-time instructor since 2009. She received her M.A. in Political Science, German, and French from the University of Bonn. Her courses range from beginner to advanced, and include Issues and Trends and Business German. She has been especially active in promoting and developing Business German at Georgetown; in 2021, she received a grant from the Department of Education to develop an instructional unit on the start-up scene in today’s German-speaking world for an advanced Business Culture course, together with Profs. Weigert and Cunningham. Prof. Banchoff has also been a fantastic mentor to the graduate student teaching associates who have shadowed her Intensive courses and has helped bring many exhibitions and events to the university, such as last year’s Goethe-Institut-sponsored exhibition commemorating the 1943 Rosenstraße protests. Congratulations, Prof. Banchoff!