Spring 2024

Recent Faculty Publications

Professor Mary Helen Dupree’s article “Théorie et pratique de la déclamation littéraire en Allemagne à la fin du XIIIe siècle” appeared in the volume Paroles Ailées. Lectures en public d’œuvres littéraires (XVIe-XXIe siècle), edited by Françoise Waquet and published by Sorbonne Université Presses (2023). The essay was translated into French by Georgetown German alumnus Jared Boddum (CAS‘09) with assistance from Françoise Waquet. A second essay by Professor Dupree, “Plappermann’s Wanderjahre: Traveling Declamators and Knowledge Circulation Around 1800,” was published in German and European Cultural Histories, 1760-1830: Between Network and Narrative, edited by Birgit Tautz and Crystal Hall, as part of the Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment series published by Liverpool University Press (2024). Jared Boddum also provided Dutch translation assistance for the chapter.

Professor Friederike Eigler published a chapter, “Specters of German-Ukrainian History in Natascha Wodin’s Autofictional Novel Nastjas Tränen,” in the volume Interkulturelle Dialoge. Exil- und Gegenwartsliteratur, Europa- und Kunstdiskurse, edited by Michael Kessler (Stauffenburg Verlag 2023). A second article by Eigler appeared in the German Studies journal Seminar and was entitled “Unsettling German Memory Culture: The Role of Archives in Natascha Wodin’s Sie kam aus Mariupol” (Seminar 59.3 (2023): 221-240). Professor Eigler continues to serve as Editor-in-Chief of Gegenwartsliteratur: Ein germanistisches Jahrbuch. A German Studies Yearbook (Stauffenburg 2023), which produced a special issue on “Erinnerung-Autofiktion-Archiv” in 2023. Professor Astrid Weigert worked on the volume as Assistant Editor, and Georgetown PhD candidate Lorna McCarron provided support as editorial assistant.

Professor Verena Kick’s online article “Photography Illiterates of the Digital Present? On Digital Visual Literacy and Photobook Research” was published by the blog of the Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut, Essen, Germany (The Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities), in their series Visual Literacy. Kick was an International Fellow at the KWI between October 2022 and March 2023. Her article is available online on the Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut’s blog.

Professor Marianna Ryshina-Pankova co-authored an essay for German Quarterly with Dr. Hiram Maxim (Emory University), entitled “Do language classrooms socialize linguistic indifference?” (German Quarterly, Volume 96, 2023).