
Georgetown Students studying German have the opportunity to pursue a wide range of internships in Germany and the Washington, DC, area.

The non-profit and cultural exchange organizations listed below offer a range of internship options. 

AATG – American Association of Teacher of German

  • A limited number of internships awarded; deadline is February 1 of each year

Cultural Vistas – Cultural Vistas acts as the representative of different German fellowship programs.

  • IAESTE – Internships for students in STEM fields
  • Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals, a full-year scholarship program sponsored by the US Congress and the German Bundestag.
    • For all fields
    • Length: 11 months
    • Requirements: US citizens age 18.5-24 at the beginning of the program
    • Application deadline: December 1

DAAD – Deutscher Akadamischer Austauschdienst

  • The RISE (Research Internships in Science and Engineering) program offers summer internships for undergraduate students from North American, British, and Irish universities at German universities and research institutions in science and engineering fields.
  • Application deadline: mid-December

IPS – Internationales Parlaments-Stipendium

  • Internship in the German Bundestag, for all fields
  • Length: March 1 – July 31
  • Requirements: BA, younger than 30 years old
  • Application deadline: August 31

USA-Interns (Steuben-Schurz Gesellschaft)

Intrax – Global Internships

German Organizations in the DC area

German Political Foundations

Business-Related Organizations

For more information on how to apply for internship opportunities, please contact Professor Anja Banchoff at

In addition, some participants of the 5-week Georgetown Summer Program in Trier, Germany, are eligible for internships with a variety of businesses and institutions in the Trier area as a 1-credit option. For more information, please consult the Office of Global Education’s website or contact Professor Joe Cunningham at