PhD Students

German Department at the 2024 GSA Conference

As always, current members and alumni of the German Department will be present and presenting at this year’s German Studies Association Annual Conference held in Atlanta, GA, from September 26-29, 2024. 

Here’s a partial list – Jens Kugele, Friederike Eigler, Katrin Sieg and others will also be participating:

Friday, September 27, 1:45 pm: “Concepts of Work in German and Austrian Film and Literature,” Peter C. Pfeiffer, Women, Work, Emancipation: Lorenz Diefenbach’s Arbeit macht frei.

Friday, September 27, 1:45 pm: “Aesthetics of the Neutral. Figurations and Countermovements in Swiss Literature (sponsored by the Swiss Studies Network),” Katie Miller-Purrenhage, Life Writing after Neutrality: Literary Sketches, Self-Image, and Post-war History in Max Frisch’s Tagebuch 1946–1949.

Friday, September 27, 3:55 pm: “Autofiction on Stage and in Literature,” Sally Simpson, Between Life and Text: The Autofictional in »Wir haben es nicht gut gemacht.« Der Briefwechsel (2022) from Ingeborg Bachmann and Max Frisch.

Saturday, September 28, 8:00 am: “Music, Sound, and Race in German-Speaking Cultures (1): Sound and the Colonial Imagination,” Mary Helen Dupree, Language, Race, and Identity in German-Language Recitation Anthologies Around 1900

Saturday, September 28, 10:10 am-12:00 pm: “Belonging (2): Interdisciplinary Approaches to Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Belongings. (Sponsored by the Emotions Studies Network),” Maria Speggiorin, Acknowledgement of Complexity and/or Generalization to express belonging or disassociation: Implications for Facilitating Cultural Learning in Virtual Exchanges. 

For more information about the GSA and a complete program, please visit their conference website.