All Posts: Past Events

51 Articles

Past Events

The Balkans Start in Vienna: Lecture with Dr. Mascha Dabic

This lecture featured Max Kade Writer-in-Residence, Dr. Mascha Dabić, translator, interpreter, and novelist who has lived in Austria since 1992. Her talk addressed the…

April 16, 2024

Past Events

Konsumkultur und Warenrausch bei Vicki Baum: Lecture with Dr. Lisa Wille

Former visiting researcher Dr. Lisa Wille returned to the German Department for a lecture on Tuesday, March 26, 2024. Her talk focused on the writer Vicki Baum, who worked as a…

March 26, 2024

Past Events

Laugh Tracks: Comic Declamation in Germany, 1800-1920: Lecture with Dr. Mary Helen Dupree

In the nineteenth century, oral reading practices were a key part of how middle-class Germans and Austrians experienced the German-language literary canon. Through declamatory…

March 22, 2024

Past Events

Academic Publishing in the Digital Era: Lecture with Dr. Manuela Gerlof

The advent of digital media has fundamentally transformed academic publishing. A variety of electronic formats, open access, data-driven publishing, digital humanities, and most…

February 23, 2024

Past Events

On the Wire: Electronic Surveillance and the War on Drugs: Lecture with Dr. Brian Hochman

“On the Wire: Electronic Surveillance and the War on Drugs” explored how the wiretap emerged as a privileged law enforcement tool in the U.S. war on drugs. Ranging…

January 26, 2024

Past Events

Creating a Culture of Access: Workshop with Dr. Amy Kenny

More than 14% of Georgetown undergraduate students, 10% of Georgetown graduate students, and 26% of adults in the US identify as disabled. The workshop held on September 29,, …

September 29, 2023

Past Events

The Differences ‘Racial’ Intermarried History Makes for Understanding Hitler’s Rule

On September 22, the German Department welcomed Dr. Nathan Stoltzfus as part of the German Campus Week “Give Us Our Husbands Back” exhibition focusing on the 1943…

September 22, 2023

Past Events

“Und die Schrift tönt”: Literary Hermeneutics and Sonic Fictionalizing

As part the “Soundtracks” lecture series, the German Department welcomed Dr. Rolf Goebel (University of Alabama – Huntsville) to the department on Friday,…

September 15, 2023

Past Events

Reading and workshop with author Christopher Kloeble

The German Department welcomed author and former Max Kade Writer-in-Residence Christopher Kloeble back to the department! Mr. Kloeble presented a reading from his newest novel…

April 21, 2023

Past Events

‘Passages’: Moving beyond liminality in the study of literature and culture

Visiting Max Kade guest professor Jens Kugele presented on the edited volume “‘Passages’: Moving beyond liminality in the study of literature and culture” on…

November 15, 2022